So here we are, almost at our 56 day mark, and ya girl did not learn 1 song to confidently say she’s mastered, let alone 5 😢

At the beginning of this journey I somehow thought this goal was super attainable, but atlas, Zu is indeed not (quite) makin’ a beat (yet).  

So I’ve made a list of what went well and what I could have probably done a bit better: 

Went well: 

  1. I got an actual drum set that was reasonable for my living situation  
  1. I managed to figure out a tiny bit of the basics  
  1. I looked into rhythms that interested me and at least attempted to play them

Do better for next time: 

  1. Make a more detailed learning schedule 
  1. Stick to my learning schedule 
  1. Give myself more attainable goals 

One thing that I definitely think would have helped from the get go, would have been starting off with some very basic skills for the drums. So instead of just immediately trying to make a beat, I should have researched which drums do what and how to manage a tempo as a beginner.  

So, with that in mind, I did look up some basic drumming lessons, and found this trainer who has a whole course you can take as a newbie and really breaks down the basics.  

I really enjoy the fact that she seems to be having so much fun teaching these skills, that it gets me jazzed to try again 😁

So that’s where I’ll be, starting simply again, but properly from scratch this time. Is the term ‘scaffolded learning’ ringing a bell for anyone else too or is that just me….  

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey! I hope that if no learning was done, then at least fun was had 🥰