#7: It’s a metroNOme from me

Okay so, this week, I played around with the metronome a bunch on my drum set, but I don’t think I’ve 1) really got a good hang of using it and 2) probably need the help of professional to know what the heck I’m doing 🫠

So I’m not attaching a video today because really, the beat I was making off tempo do not need to be shared past my apartment walls, and the sound of the metronome through the recording and over the drums themselves didn’t really come out very well anyway sooo….. better luck next time?

BUT what I’ve learned from this small endeavour, is that maybe I need the aid of a professional to get me familiar with the basics of the drum set first (because was I scared to play with the settings?? Of course 😬) before attempting to go much further here. I’m sure that if I’d had a drum teacher from the get go I’d be living the rock dream like these two over here ⤵


So, I’m sorry for no video this week, but I’m going to be looking into online or youtube sessions where a professional not only gives me some songs to play, but maybe also some basic tips and tricks for getting used to a new instrument like the drums! Not too sure why this wasn’t my initial starting point… but maybe this was all part of the learning plan 🧐

1 Comment

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  1. First of all I LOVE the title for this post. Also, I think it’s a great idea to look into Youtube sessions to get some tips and tricks! The visual aspect of a youtube video may also be super helpful! I said this on another one of your posts but I HAVE to say it again: I really like the way you’ve written your posts! I love the conversational feel of it! I literally read it in your voice lol

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