#5: Beat numero uno

Hello and welcome back to this week’s post where Zu (that’s me) is actually makin a beat!! (queue the unenthusiastic clapping from the back). So, there’s finally a video, and to make it EVEN better, my doggo is in the background to exemplify what my #1 fan looks like ⤵


So, as you can hear, this is the beat of “We Will Rock You” which is the first song on the list of 5 songs I need to learn before my 56 days are up! Take a gander back to my first blog post to see the video I am trying to learn from 😊

In my video, I think it’s worth while to note that I’m actually not very good at keeping the beat. Making the beat, anyone can do, but actually keeping it was oddly tougher than I thought!

As someone who’s played the piano and trumpet, I am no stranger to the dreaded metronome, but somehow, that incessant ticking did not do its’ job of teaching me to stay in time with the rhythm. And what’s worse, is the rhythm of “We Will Rock You” is literally just 4 beats repeated throughout the whole song 😬


At the end of the video you can see I start to notice that I’m losing my tempo, and therefore I stop playing. So, for next week, I’m going to work on keeping my internal ticking in check and not only makin a beat, but makin a beat consistently and confidently!


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  1. I love hearing your beats!! You are amazing, I would definitely not be able to achieve this in the short amount of time we had for this project lol

  2. You are doing such a great job learning the drums! I also think the drum set you have is so cute and apartment friendly Lol. It’s crazy to think that in September you had no idea how to do this, and since then you have learned so much. I hope you continue to learn once this semester is over, and I am also so excited to see your last few blog posts.
    I have been loving your conversation style and use of media in your blog posts. They are so easy to follow and make me laugh, and keep me excited to come back and read your next ones! hehe

  3. Nice beats!! Congrats on following through and working on the first song. I played saxophone all through elementary, middle and high school so I can relate on tempo struggles and hating metronomes lol. I have so much respect for percussionists! Also your dog is adorable.

  4. This is so cool Zuleika! I am sooo not musically inclined at all so to see you working on your first song is so awesome! Love the drums & the way you’re using videos & always the best gifs to supplement your text on your posts. Awesome job!

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