#4: Honesty hour…

Hello and welcome to this weekā€™s blog post where we learn that inconsistent practicing does lead to inconsistent progress (who woulda thought).

So, as previously mentioned in my first three posts, the plan is to try and learn 5 songs in 56 days, however, it would seem that this seemingly attainable task will not get done if I donā€™t make the time to actually do it!!


As someone who has played musical instruments before, itā€™s not lost on me the importance of practice, whether it be good or bad, practice is practice. And so, I’ll be the first to admit that I have not been great at holding myself accountable to a consistent schedule.

And here is why I think that is:

  1. Aside from just saying that I want to practice a few times a week every week, I did not make a strict schedule with dates and times of when I planned to practice, therefore I was able to delay practicing more and more
  2. I do not have my drums set up in a place where I see it every day, therefore I do just simply forget I need to practice. Unlike when I was playing the piano and I had to walk by this big honkinā€™ instrument every day and feel eternally guilty for STILL not practicing it (are we seeing a pattern hereā€¦?)
  3. And lastly, I really do think that other priorities with worse consequences if I miss those deadlines got in the way! Thatā€™s not to excuse my procrastination, but I do think itā€™s a contributing factor on why I’m not a drumming superstar at this point like this guy ā¤µ


Needless to say, my lack of practicing has led to the lack of cool drumming beats I can show you, and for that I am very sorry (thatā€™s assuming I’d actually be any good) šŸ˜—

So, for now, excuse me while I go set up my drum-set on the table and create a schedule for the next few weeks that I can hopefully abide by! See ya next week to find out how far (if at all) I get with my 5 songs šŸŽ¶


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  1. Readjusting learning plans is a totally things to do! Sometimes you have grand plans at the beginning and life gets in the way. Don’t be afraid to scale back your plans if you realize they were to ambitious to begin with.

    I’m sure you can probably learn to play drums well if you set your mind to it but I know as well anyone how busy we all are in this PDP program. If you need to take a step back and take more time to learn this that is totally ok. I have seen at least one person completely change their topic mid way through. I my self have scaled back my plan. Whatever you choose to do I know you can do it!

  2. I love your use of images, gifs, your honesty, and the fact you even did an interview in one of your blog posts! All of these are so engaging and honestly hilarious! I think maybe you should learn the “ba dum CH” drum beat people do after jokes and then just go do some stand up comedy, LOL. For real though, I totally get where you are coming from in terms of making time to practice learning an instrument while there are a million things going on all the time. I hope that by the end of this you are able to get something out of learning drums, and I really do believe in you and that you will be able to learn a song! Good luck to you <3

    • HAHA Thank you Lily!!! It never even occurred to me to learn the Ba Dum Ch!! Thank you for that great idea šŸ˜ Also thank you for all the belief! Maybe this was the motivation I needed ya know <3

  3. Zuleika,

    I LOVE your blog (especially its name)!! Your voice and personality resonate throughout the entire thing, and I love your use of GIFs and humour.

    I also totally relate to being behind my initial learning plan … but that’s okay! Life is hard, and learning a new skill during an exceedingly busy time is challenging. But we got this, and keep up the great work!!

  4. This is all extremely relatable!! That instruction manual is all it would take for me to give up.. so really, the fact that you persevered and even got the drums set up is an achievement! Plus… it’s not like you have a million other things to be distracted by right now.. just living a life of leisure rn, amiright? hahah, so don’t be hard on yourself!
    That being said, I’m still looking forward to seeing you channel Phil Collins sometime soon šŸ˜‰

  5. hi Zuleika! I really enjoyed reading through your blog. I can SO relate to you on the whole ā€œinconsistencyā€ thing. I have been struggling so much to actually make myself work on my piece for the blog because it always feels like thereā€™s something more time sensitive or important! It can really take the excitement out of learning something new. Nonetheless I admire the ambitious challenge that you chose and I look forward to seeing where you end up!

  6. lmontgomerystinson

    24 November 2022 — 2:42 pm

    Hey Zuleika! I really enjoy the way that you have written your blog šŸ™‚ I find the style and vocabulary that you have chosen to be interesting, engaging and relatable. I do find the videos to be slightly distracting as I read the paragraphs, but I like the humour that they bring in!

  7. Hey Zuleika! I found myself relating a lot to this post. I’ve also had a hard time consistently updating my blog. Sometimes it was because of a lack in time and other times it was due to a lack of motivation. I really appreciated your honesty!

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